Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Is this my style? Maybe so- either way, I feel I'm getting closer. Using the orange seamless, and with some summertime clothes I was able to brighten up the studio- Don't know which one I'll use for the final. Unfortunately, I can't use both. Thanks again to model, Michelle!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heather Freer Facebook Fanpage

I finally decided to create a fan page on facebook for my photography. Social media- as much as I hate it sometimes - is a great tool for promotion and marketing. It's also a great way to separate my personal life from my photography. However with final portfolio review coming up in May it seems to have taken OVER my personal life. It's a good thing I love it.

Please check out my fan page on Facebook.
Click on "like" and get updates on my recent work :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


My advertising instructor has pushed me to pinpoint a particular style. I believe this is a challenge of not just every photographer, but artists in general. I do see a style in many of my very talented colleagues, and as thrilled as that makes me, it also really drives me to find an artistic style I can call my own. I believe that this image may represent a part of what my photography is about. With the help of the lovely and talented Anneline Smal- I was able to capture something that I definitely want to see more of.